Part art. Part science. Part nature doing her thing.

Earthy, sparkly, bright, tangy, cool + fizzy tingles from a can.

Hunt Gather Find Forage brews

A simpler process for bigger flavor

We like to think we’re a gateway to the fermented wonder of kombucha and tepache, unlocking a door—or popping a can—into a mystical, effervescent flavor rainbow.

We started tinkering with wild flavors and fermentation in small batches in our Madison kitchen, and now we’re making our medleys accessible to everyone.

  • Step 01

    Hunt and gather exhilarating flavors from pure ingredients

  • Step 02

    Blend, brew, and taste until the perfect flavor profile emerges

  • Step 03

    Ferment for probiotic perfection in our Wisconsin lab

  • Step 04

    Can and send to fizz-loving friends everywhere

Energize. Inspire. Delight.

Same family, different culture

You probably know kombucha. But have you met its uncaffeinated cousin, tepache? It’s our newest brew, first gifted to the world by Mexico centuries ago. 

While tepache is equally as fizzy, fun and probiotic-infused as kombucha, it’s made from fruit instead of tea—trading those tangy, vinegar-esque tingles for a sweeter, brighter wave of taste.

Find us in the wild

Make your mouth water

Born in the heart of Madison, Forage Kitchen crafts local, health-conscious meals in our locations throughout the midwest. Stop in to see how we’re making healthy happy. 

Follow us @DrinkForage

  • Kombucha flavor face-off! Which do you prefer? Tropical or Raspberry #forage #kombucha #localkombucha

  • Why did the kombucha cross the road? Scoby could get to the other side #forage #kombucha #localkombucha

  • On the road #forage #kombucha #tepache #localkombucha #localtepache